
This blog is a teaching ministry of the Disciples Global Network designed to provide you with detailed studies on Bible prophecy and related subjects. The goal is to understand each passage in its original literary and historical contexts. The theological center of the Bible is Jesus, especially his Death and Resurrection. All God's promises and "mysteries" now find their significance in him.

According to the Apostle Paul, the "forms of this age" have been "passing away" ever since Christ's death and resurrection, and nothing can or will ever be the same again. This includes the identity of the people of God.

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[My Profile Photo]

My name is David Maas and I have been a student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971. Over the years, my focus has been more and more on prophetic passages, especially in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Currently, I reside in the city of Gardnerville in the state of Nevada.

All posts on this site are provided free of charge. None are copyrighted. Please copy, reuse, or distribute any of them as you see fit. And please support this effort with your prayers, above all, that God will open effectual doors for the spread of His Word.

If you are interested in supporting this work in other ways or have any comments or questions, please email me at - bear7755@gmail.com, or, david@disciplesglobal.org.

~ David R. Maas, May 2023.


Absent Church?

He Nullified Death